Jury Excuse Form

Deferring Your Service as a Juror
Those asked to serve as a juror are able to ask for a one-time-per-summons postponement. Your request is considered only if you are unable to serve as a juror during the requested time noted on your summons. The request must be for a valid reason and must be approved through the County Clerk’s Office. Be prepared to present documentation supporting your excuse.

You are able to request a postponement by filling out and submitting the Jury Excuse Form below.  You may also contact the Jury Coordinator by e-mail at juryduty@barryco.org or by telephone at 269-945-1285. After you submit your request, you will be contacted by the County Clerk’s Office within five to seven business days.
Panel Number:
System Number:
Daytime Telephone Number:
Alternative Telephone Number:
Email Address:
Upload Documentation That Supports Your Request:
Please Explain Your Reason in Detail: