Meet Judge Alspaugh

2020_Hon_VickyAlspaugh_Square The Honorable Vicky Alspaugh
Judge Alspaugh currently serves as the Circuit Court Judge for the county of Barry. She was appointed to the bench to begin her service on January 1, 2020.  She was subsequently elected to continue her service in November 2020 and began her elected term January 1, 2021.

Judge Alspaugh graduated from Michigan State University in 1985 with a Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice. She next attended Thomas M. Cooley Law School where she earned her law degree in January 1989. She was employed as Assistant Prosecuting Attorney for Ogemaw County in 1989 where she remained until she came to Barry County as Assistant Prosecuting Attorney in 1991. In 2000, she was chosen to fill the newly created position Attorney Referee/Attorney Magistrate. In 2011, Probate Register was added to her responsibilities as well. She continued to serve in that capacity until she was appointed to the bench.

Judge Alspaugh and her family moved to Barry County in 1991 and made it their permanent home in 1992. She and her husband Micheal have been married for 38 years and have two adult daughters and two active fur babies. They all enjoy spending time together and sharing each other’s interests.